
Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I wanted to do a quick post because when I signed in this morning I noticed I had 51 followers. Ive finally hit my 1st milestone. I wanted to thank everyone for following and commenting my blog. I started my blog in August and It has been a slow start but Ive been given great tips by my fellow friendly bloggers. Thanks to everyone! I'll be doing a 50 followers giveaway soon Ive started to pick some stuff up for it. What would you guys like to see in this giveaway?


  1. yay! congrats! i know how exciting that is... i still get all excited every time i log in and see a new follower or two :]

  2. Congratulations!!!!! I cant wait till I hit that many viewers!!!

  3. Congrats! Knowing that someone out there is reading your blog is always a really cool experience, makes all the work seem worth it, even if the "work" involves pretty colours and snapping pictures! :)

    - Kirsten

  4. Thank You!!!

    Amanda: me too!

    Kristen: Thank you. Its is I think everyone should have a blog about something they like to do.
