
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Haul + Helmer help

Hi ladies I am almost done with verifying  the entries for my giveaway I am very excited to announce a winner but that will have to wait for tomorrow. Today I wanted to show you my recent haul. The month is now over and Ive been trying to buy less polishes a month. I had asked what is a decent amount of polishes a month and Rebecca from Rebecca likes nails shared with me what she's been aiming for which is buying less polishes that there is days in the month. So I decided to give that a try and I failed miserably my total came to 68!! I'm ashamed I have absolutely no will power I blame Zoya because of their BOGO sale and Sally's  for their buy 2 get 1 free.

I got all the following polishes this past week and a half. Ive been doing alot of buying for swaps for 2 lovely ladies in Europe so in the middle of all the buying I couldn't come home without something for me. So here are some of the polishes from Sally's sale so every 3rd polish was free.

China Glaze Re-fresh mint
China glaze Four leaf clover
China Glaze Shocking pink
China Glaze Sexy in the city
China Glaze Electric Pineapple
China Glaze Senorita Bonita
China Glaze Papaya Punch

Orly Cotton Candy
Orly Va Va Voom
Essie Smooth Saling (Walgreens)

Walgreens was also having great sales on Sinful Colors 50% OFF and so was Sally Hansen's Xtreme wear polishes. CVS had a sale on the Insta-Dri buy one the second one is 50%OFF this is what came from theses sales.
Sinful Colors All about you
Sinful Colors UFO
Sally Hansen XW Strobe light
Sally Hansen XW Pacific blue
Sally Hansen XW Lacey Lilac
Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Beige blast
Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Night flight
Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Whirlwind white
Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Silver sweep

These's next polishes I got today with my hubby in a mall in Salem NH. Its sometime nice to go to further away malls because they always have the exclusive stuff so take a look at what I found!

OPI Silver Shatter
OPI Mermaid Tears
OPI Pirates of the Caribbean mini set

Lush Lemony Flutter Cuticle butter
Icing Blackout (finally)
Icing duabilityMagnetic attraction/
 Force of Love (looks like Deborah Lippmann Across the universe dupe)

Claire's Flackie set
Claire's Secret Garden
Claire's Bright skies
Claire's Nail bling (multi colored gems/leopard print)

Bundle Monster Plates (got in the mail Monday)

So I failed horribly! But its a new month so Im really gonna try to keep its under 31 due to my massive hauling again I have run out of space for my polishes they no longer fit on my book shelf. So I will be making a trip to Ikea to get a helmer. Who has a Helmer for their polishes? How many polishes usually fit in a Helmer? I have 450+ could I fit all of them in one Helmer? How many polishes do you ladies have? 


  1. A Helmer holds around 500/600 polishes. I think you will find one Helmer to work but you may want to get two so you have room to grow.

  2. wow i dont think theres a single polish there that i dont really want to try! i love bright colours, so electric pineapple and papaya punch are right up my street! looks like your collection is growing fast! cant wait to see you swatch the pirates collection, especiallysilver shatter! Im excited for the giveaway winner too! yours is my favourite giveaway going at the moment! :D xxx

  3. haha you are out of control! :P I own exactly 47 bottles, 20 of which I bought just the other day at a 50% off sale at a local shop! I doubled my stash haha

  4. Wow! Awesome haul! Btw could you please show a swatch of what those flakies look like??

  5. Awesome haul!!

    I tagged you for a Kreative Blogger Award(:

  6. hahaha, i failed too. next month we'll do it!!!

  7. Awesome haul! Please do something with All about you soon and the new plates! Im waiting for all about you to come into stock so I can order it! hehe :)

  8. KrisInPhilly: Thank you. Im deff getting 2 to be on the safe side!

    LemonyEmily: I love bright colors too. We can always arrange a swap. I will posting silver shatter soon I was doing some playing with it last night. I cant wait to see who wins!

    Breigh: I know i am! its a serious problems lol.. yay your collection is getting bigger soon your gonna blink and you'll be like me with 400+ polishes later not knowing where to put them.

    Sara ♥'s ... : Sure will! I swatched them quickly and ill be posting it soon they are unfortuntely not that impressive.

    Kelly: Thank you!

    rebecca: Yes we will! You didnt do as bad as I did.

    Ash: Ok thanks for the request! makes my polish decision easier when I have followers that want to see something

  9. Whoa~ That's a ton! I would want to collect nail polishes too! *O* I think my favorites in your haul are those bundle monster plates! I've never tried purchasing nail plates but would want to soon! ^^

  10. wow what a wonderful stash buying month hehe! love the pirate collections the colours in that are so pretty for spring.
    sadly i am far from helmer status in my collection yet so cant help with your questions lol

    shel xx

  11. I feel your pain! I have no self control when I see polishes I just have to have!! I also gave you a blog award! Check it out at mynailgraffiti.blogspot.com

  12. All of them are really pretty, and i would love to try them all! I dont have nearly as many as you, but according to my husband i have "too many"... Yeah right! Too many?!*lol* Hope you fing the right storage for you stash. ^.*

  13. Oh, i forgot; were you got your stamps?

  14. Men always we think we have to many of everything. I have to hear it everyday about the amount of polishes I have. I got the bundle monster plates on Amazon.
