
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blue stripes failed mani

So I usually don't show failed manis but I just love the color of the polish I used and I didn't capture any pictures of it by itself. I attempted to do blue stripes because I was wearing a shirt with blue stripes so I went with the tape method. I had a hard time cutting the tape into strips as well as placing them straight. I used Wet N Wild white creme and Revlon Royal.

Any tips on how I can do this mani better?


  1. Try a smaller scissor? And be patient when you're placing them :)
    I love the colours though.. Very summer :)

  2. I love what you were trying to achieve.. the nautical look is so pretty =]
    I think that maybe the blue polish was too watery? Actually how did you do this mani.... like did you paint white first and then added tape then blue? Or the other way around?
    Try to stick the tape down firmly so no edges stick up and take it off as soon as you'v painted on the polish over it

  3. I've never tried narrow stripes like this so have no tips to offer, sorry. I do appreciate that you shared this anyway--makes me glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't get things right all the time. :)

  4. So many do well with the tape method but mine always fail. No matter how firm I press it seems some polish ALWAYS seems under and ruins the straight lines.. I'm better, I've found, with just freehanding my stripes. This reminds me of a nautical base for a design

  5. I still think they look great! Love these colors together!

    I agree with everyone else and that you should try smaller stripes. Also, you could trace the stripes before you cut. A steady hand always helps too--so take your time and do one nail at a time. And of course make sure the base is at least 80-85% dry so that you can stick the tape down all the way and polish doesn't go underneath.

  6. Thanks for all the tips ladies!! im going to deff try this again! I painted my nails white 1st then painted the blue stripes. These kind of manis deff take patience
